Song Books

Latest issues are available now

on our Google Drive



Performance Songbook V11


Latest individual Song PDF's

In the beginning...

We started with a collection of over 100 songs in most genres which is used as the basis for the weekly Tuesday sing-a-play-a-long evenings. This was called the Tuesday Songbook.

We then added a second book with more 2 and 3 chord songs called the Tuesday Supplement.

As things progressed a third book was added and inspirationally called Tuesday Extras.

And now..

Finding this all a bit confusing, we have now combined all the Tuesday Books into one single file called HUGs Combined Songbook. You can download it from either our Google Drive or Facebook Files

This is a single, downloadable .pdf file which now has a searchable index. Slightly confusing is that we have had to maintain the page numbering for each book as we still have printed versions available to borrow. Just use the main index.

There will always be a few printed songbooks available to borrow on the evening.

The song pages are numbered and listed alphabetically on the last few pages. Each song is accompanied by suggested chord diagrams although you may have your own variations.

Electronic Copies (PDF's)

The best way to download the songbook is by .pdf file onto a tablet or laptop. Android, Apple and Microsoft work in a very similar way. You will probably also need to download one of the free pdf reader applications from either Google Play Store or App Store . If you're having problems, just ask.

When the songbook is updated, all you have to do is delete the old copy and download the new one in its place. Updates will be notified in the facebook group or by email.

By "pinching out" on touchscreen tablets you can enlarge the index and navigate through the list. Touching (or clicking) on the links "should" take you to the relevant page.

Still having trouble?

Send us an email to: and we will send you the latest pdf as an attachment for you to download.

Christmas and Performance Songbooks

These are now also available for download either from the HUG's Google Drive or our facebook page files.