

These pages are dedicated to ordinary player reviews of stuff we have actually purchased. Click on the links in the summery for the full reviews. To contribute please email to including total price paid, date, where from, and comments. Please be polite and factual. We reserve the right to edit where necessary to accommodate formatting for the website.

JOWOOM T2 Smart Tuner Winder

Ordered 21st June 2024, arrived 2nd July 2024 (12 Days)

Cost including postage: £22.63 AliExpress

I always wanted to try one of these, but at over £70 in the UK it was difficult to justify to myself, especially if the wife found out. I assume that if you find these in a local music shop, they might be up for a bit of bartering, but to be honest I can’t be asked with the travelling and hassle. In any case they are probably paying more than that to the UK distributor, European Distributor etc. I’ve been in retail, I know and it can be very depressing.

It arrived nicely packaged, I charged it up, tuned my first ukulele and instantly broke the “E” string, then I read the instructions. The instructions are actually very good (except modes) and comprehensive. If you read of the 1* reviews (as I always do) they mostly seem to be down to “user error”............

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